Home-ownership in New Zealand is at a historic low and half the population are renters. But rental housing is unhealthy, unaffordable and insecure. Chrometoaster developed an open source brand and design system to put the politicians on notice and deliver real change for all renters.
Establishing renters as an identity
The brief required a brand that was versatile, unifying, honest, and inspirational.
Most importantly, it had to address a massive deficit — the voice of tenants was totally absent from all public discussion about the housing crisis and an out of control rental market. It needed to establish ‘renters’ as an identity — to bring all renters together to fight for a fair deal.

What’s in a name?
We began with the name. At the time, the only representation of tenants in the media was as villains in a low-brow reality TV show: “Renters”. So we reclaimed “renters” and used it with a clear statement of unity and action. Together, these concepts became “Renters United!”
Versatile and cost-effective engagement
The Renters United brand needed to work on the street to inspire activists and the public, and in the corridors of power. It needed to be cost-effective to use in print and engaging online. We created a direct, open source and versatile brand with guidelines so straightforward they could be used consistently with integrity and impact by anyone in the activist network. Ideal for quick turnaround, low-cost leaflets and posters, it can also be dressed-up for high impact formal reports, such as the People’s Review of Renting (PDF, 5.6mb).

Making an impact
Renters United has gained immediate traction in the media and with the public.
The quality of the identity design allowed Renters United to punch well above its weight, making politicians pay attention to renters for the first time. Renters now have a powerful voice and it’s not going away.

Setting the agenda
The Plan to Fix Renting was launched in July. It’s 36 points set out a comprehensive set of reforms to fix the rental sector. It’s design matched the urgency of its message with a straightforward layout and formal communication of the key points and converts into a placard or campaign poster for use on the streets.